= = = Tyukanov Sergey = = =

  *** GRAPHIC ART ***


Tretyakovs Art Gallery /Moscow, Russia
Victoria and Albert Museum /London, Great Britain
Bristol Museum /Bristol , Great Britain
Riga Museum /Riga , Latvia
Graphic Cabinet of English Engraver's Society /Great Britain
Bewick Museum of Engraving /Great Britain
Frederikshavn Museum of exlibris / Denmark
Frans Masereel Center / Kasterle, Belgium
Museum of exlibris /Moscow , Russia
Malborc Castle Museum /Malbork, Poland
International Institute of Humor and Satire / Gabrovo, Bulgaria
Kaliningrad Art Gallery /Russia
Kaliningrad Regional Museum of History and Art /Russia
Museum of World Ocean /Kaliningrad, Russia
Collection of Municipality of Raisio / Finland

Portland Art Museum / USA

Gilkey Center  for graphic arts / Portland , USA

1989-Palace of Youth /Moscow, Russia
Art Gallery / Kaliningrad, Russia
Exhibition of small graphic /Raisio, Finland
1990-Exhibition of small graphic /Hojbjerg, Danmark
1992-Exhibition of graphic and painting / Berlin ,Germany
1994-Exhibition of small graphic /Wolfenbuttel, Germany
Exhibition of graphic and painting / Antwerpen, Belgium
Exhibition of graphic / Savings-bank, Lubek, Germany
1995-Exhibition of small graphic /Washtmeister Gallery ,Karlskrona, Sweden

2000-Froelick Adelhard Gallery / Portland , USA

Chicory Gallery  /Alkmaar , the Netherlands

Honour Diploma of Triennial of Graphic Art of small forms / Riga, Latvia 1987
Special mention of International Competition of Exlibris /Torino, Italy 1989
Prize of 4-Internatinal Biennial of graphic and exlibris /Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poland 1991
1-premium of 2-Biennale of Easel Graphic Art /Kaliningrad, Russia 1992
Premium of Int. Competition of exlibris "Cristoforo Colombo 1492-1992 /Genova,Italy,1992
Honour Diploma of 3-Biennale of Easel Graphic /Kaliningrad, Russia 1994
Distinction Medal of 8-International Biennale of small forms and exlibris
/Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poland
1980-"Young artists of Khabarovsk region" /Khabarovsk, Russia
1985-16 International Biennale of Graphic /Lublijana, Yugoslavia
1986-All-Union exhibition "Youth of the country" /Moscow, USSR
Exhibition of the Russian exlibris /Helsinki, Finland
8-Internation Biennale of Grafic /Fredrikstad, Norway
11-International Biennale of Graphic /Krakow, Poland
"Exlibris of USSR"/ Habana, Cuba / London, GB, / Mexico, Mexico
11-International Biennale of Exlibris /Malbork, Poland
1987-17International Biennale of Graphic /Lubliana, Yugoslavia
10-"Interexlibris" /Frederikshavn, Denmark
2-Triennale of Graphic Art of small forms /Riga, Latvia
International exhibition of Young Artists /Moscow, USSR
"12 Artists from Russian Federation" /Flaxman Gallery , London, GB
8 International Triennial of Graphic "Intergraphia" /Berlin, Germany
7-International Biennale of Humor and Satire / Gabrovo, Bulgaria
1988-11-"Interexlibris" /Frederikshavn, Denmark
5-Biennial of Portrait Art /Tusla, Yugoslavia
Exhibition of small graphic from USSR /London, Great Britain
International Competition of Exlibris "Citta di Pescara"/ Pescara, Italy
Exh. of Graphic from East Europe "Making Links "/Bristol, GB
"Soviet Exlibris "/Frederikshavn, Denmark
1989-18-International Biennale of Graphic /Lublijana Yugoslavia
5-International Biennale of Graphic /Varna, Bulgaria
8-Internatuonal Biennale of Graphic /Bharat-Bhavan, India
Biennale of Graphic "Cuprum-4" /Lubin, Poland
International Festival of Graphic Art /Menton, France
Contest of Bewick Museum /Northumberland, Great Britain
15-International exhibition of Graphic /Kanagawa, Japan
6-International Biennale of small Graphic /Lodz, Poland
Russian Exlibris exhibition /Cherryburn, Stockfield, Northumerland ,GB
Biennale of Exlibris /Sint Niclaas, Belgium
International Competition of Exlibris /Torino, Italy
Exhibition "Etchings from East Europe" /London, Great Britain
1990-13- International Biennale of Exlibris /Malbork, Poland
16- International Exhibition of Graphic /Kanagawa, Japan
Exhibition of soviet exlibris /Geneva, Swiss
Intern. Open Exhibition of Miniature Prints / Intaglio Gallery , London, GB
1-All -Union Biennale of Easel Graphic Art /Art Gallery, Kaliningrad, Russia
1991-International Biennale of Small forms Graphic /Broadway, New-York, USA
6-Biennale of small forms Graphic and exlibris / Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poland
1-International Biennale of Graphic /Sapporo, Japan
1-Annual International Miniprint exhibition / Napa Art Center, Napa, USA
Int. Competition of small graphic "Italy-Russia" /villa d'erba , Cernobbio, Italy
1-"Memory collection communic art "/ Brussel, Belgium
"Intergraphia-91 / Katowice, Poland
International exhibition " Exlibris contemporaris " / Barselona, Spain
19-International Biennale of Graphic /Lublijana, Yugoslavia
1992-International Exhibition "Exlibris and sport /Barselona, Spain
2-All-Union Biennale of Easel Graphic Art /Art Gallery, Kaliningrad, Russia
"Time of Transition" Contemporary printmaking from Russia and Ukraine
/ Bristol, Hull,Great Britain/
2-Annual miniprint exhibition /Napa, USA
1993-Intern. Competition of exlibris "Cristoforo Colombo 1492-1992" /Genova, Italy
"Time of Transition" /Great Britain
"Interproject" /St.-Petersburg, Russia
Exhibition of 4 Kaliningrad Artists /Art Gallery , Kaliningrsad, Russia
1994-3-All-Union Biennale of Easel Graphic Art /Kaliningrad, Russia
Exhibition " Emmanuel Kant " /Kaliningrad, Russia, Eslingen, Germany
15-International Biennale of exlibris /Malbork, Poland
Exhibition "Viaggio Figurato" /Gallery San Bernardo, Genova, Italy
Summer exhibition "Graphic Art from Europe "/ Brussel, Belgium
1995-"New tendency" /Art Gallery Richter, Berlin, Germany
Exhibition of the Print Studio /franc Masereel Center, Belgium
Exhibition of graphic art of Russia and Belgium /Namur, Belgium
"World Theatre" /The Regional History and Art Museum, Kaliningrad
"The best graphic art from Russia /Potsdam, Berlin, Frankfurt, Germany
"Graphic Art from Europe / Tokio, Japan
"Russian exlibris" /Milano, Italy
1996-Festival of music and art of Baltic countries /Torun, Poland
International exhibition "Reynalde Fox"/Sint-Niclaas, Belgium
4-Biennale of easel Graphic Art /Kaliningrad,Russia
1997-4-International concurs"El-Caliu" /Olot, Spain
Intern. Biennale of small graphic and exlibris /Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poland
International exhibition print graphic /Museum of Art , Portland, USA
12-International Biennale of Graphic /Bharat-Bhavan, India
Exhibition of small graphic /Marrum, Netherlands
1998-International Biennale of exlibris / Malbork, Poland
5-Biennale of Easel Graphic Art /Kaliningrad, Russia
Felicien Rops Intern.engraving competition /Namur,Belgium
1999-Intern. Biennale of small graphic and exlibris /Ostrow-Wielkopolski, Poland
Exhibition of graphic /Seattle,USA

2000-Suwi-pinx Finnland

International Biennale of exlibris /Malbork , Poland

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Hosted by uCoz